Good Sunday morning to you all,

In an effort to keep our outdoor runners cooler, Master Lee is moving the required Fitness Testing for all Bo-Black and Black Belt studens to 8:00 am this upcoming Saturday, October 22nd. Please arrive by 7:50 am. Those who are running outdoors may wear comfortable clothing for running and change into uniform later if attending TKD class later. There is NO adult instructor training class at 9 am. Rehearsal for the Black Belt ceremony will follow fitness testing. Classes will follow regular Saturday scheduling at 10 and 11 am.
Friday, October 28th there in NO 6:30 TKD class. Black Belt Ceremony is scheduled instead for all new Black Belts. Master Lee is having all students who typically break at this class time that Thursday or Wednesday before. All students will have an opportunity to break for their test. Demo Practice will follow at 7:15 pm.
All Assistant Instructors, please bring your red instructor top with you to the Anniversary Testing Oct. 29th. Master Lee will be presenting Instructors with a certificate and would like them all in their red top for presentation. Demo Team bring your red uniform, and ALL students must wear their white uniform for the Anniversary Test (Basic Motion).

The end of October is going to be very busy with all the exciting events, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to email me here, call the office, or stop in. I try to keep my phone with me at all times and answer any incoming emails as quickly as I possibly can. At Champion, we want all our students to have a smooth and rewarding testing time – no stress, just a show of great skills.

Parents, remind your kids to give a good strong keyup while testing. Master Lee loves it and the kids will get many kudos for doing so – every little extra bit counts!

Fitness testers may your feet be light!

And to all those testing, best of luck! (I’d say break a leg, but I already did that! Hahaha bad joke I know but it’s early and I’m on coffee).