Dear Parents and Students,

Our Dojang mat surface is showing the wear of many, many workouts, classes, festivities, and special events. Therefor, Champion Tae Kwon Do Academy is announcing our “Sponsor A New Mat Campaign”.

One-hundred and eighty 2×2 full mat tiles cover our Dojang floor. The cost of a 2×2 mat tile from the distributor is $19. As part of our campaign, a diagram of the 180 mat tiles compromising the Dojang floor has been posted on the bulletin board in the reception area.

All members and patrons of Champion Tae Kwon Do Academy are invited to write their name or names into a square or squares on the diagram symbolizing that they have sponsored a mat tile or tiles. The $19 contribution per square can be made in the school office. At the conclusion of the campaign, we plan to frame the donors diagram and mount it in the reception area to memorialize the campaign.

I invite each and everyone of you to join us in this campaign and add your name to our list of sponsors.

Grand Master Yong Jun Lee